Sunday, April 24, 2011

Practicing what I preach (inside my head)...

Today I became annoyed enough by the "stream of consciousness" type posts on Facebook that I decided to take my own mental advice and start a blog. I try to be mindful on FB that not everyone wants to see an update from me every 34 minutes, so I try to limit my posts to one update per day. (Two if I have seen or done something truly awesome/stupid) If you think I'm directing that comment at you, don't take it personally. I'm just not trying to clog anyone's FB feed up with "The Sara Show."

Sometimes I feel restrained by the size limitations of the update box, trying to cram my wit/stupidity/assed-off-ness in that small space is HARD for a wordy girl like me. I need to stretch my legs, need to move around a bit and really round out some of my stories/rants/theories with more space than is available on the 'Book. Maybe you would like to read along, comment or boo. Maybe you just want to peek in on me, roll your eyes and note to yourself that I haven't changed at ALL since birth/high school/college/work/yesterday...that's ok too.

I just need a place to air it out, get it fresh, and move on to the next thing.

Please feel free to comment, play along, add a little something, but note that I will delete posts that just make you look like a jackass. Get your own blog dummy.


  1. Em, when I read the title of this blog it still reminds me of the t-shirts LHS had made up that said "Who's House? Lakes House!" on the front. Grammar fail.

  2. I think of Who's House all the time -- EPIC fail DECA Brown! Sadly, more people probably learned something about the English language from that debacle vs. their regular classes at good old LHS.

    And I agree with Emily -- this is going to be awesome.

  3. Love you!!! I expect Greatness!!!

  4. Let me simply say....I love that I know you because you are one unique nut job!!!!
    Love, Kathy
